You are Unique

You are unique,
and you must know this,
know your worth,
because you are precious.

You are as unique,
as your fingerprints,
and as your iris,
distinctive and unrepeated.

You are as unique,
as those sunsets,
and as the rainbow,
beautiful and multicoloured.

You are as unique,
as the Sun,
and as the Moon,
bright and lovely.

You are as unique,
as an art,
and as a book,
rare and remarkable.

You are as unique,
as this universe,
and as everyone else,
and as unique as YOU.

Comment down your thoughts.. 


  1. beautiful, this poem is unique in its own way ❤️

  2. Masha Allah, beautiful pen down tanzee, keep it up dear habibti ~Heavenvoice24


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