
Appreciation- the act of admiring someone or something. In these days where people are so busy in their own problems and lives that they didn't even appreciate people around them who are doing good. By just your simple appreciation you can bring a smile on any person's face. It acts as a morale booster and inspiration. Appreciate the people who are doing even a small or less importance work (according to society). Your simple words of appreciation can change anyone's day. People are more motivated when their works are appreciated. They work hard even more and develop their skills. 

In school, if the teacher appreciates one student who has made a good drawing by giving him a round of applause by whole class then, the other students will also be motivated. They will also want appreciation from the teacher and in turn they will also do good drawings. 

The efficiency and productivity of a person increases when his/her work is appreciated. They try to improve their work and skills. 

Appreciate the little things which people around you do. Appreciate your mother if she has learnt about using social media. Appreciate your father for everything he does for your happiness. Appreciate your sister if she has cooked anything new for everyone. Appreciate your brother if he drops and picks you from your college or anywhere else, anytime. Appreciate your friends if they bought you your favorite chocolates. You can just simply give a smile to anyone and ask how are they doing or how was their day? You don't need to buy any present or thought that you'll say this on any special occasion. Just say when you feel that they have done something good.

When you'll appreciate them and tell them that you love them just as much as they love you then only your relationship with them will nurture and grow.



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